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Student Emotion Regulation Assessment (SERA-P)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThis project centers on developing and validating the Student Emotion Regulation Assessment (SERA), a direct tool for measuring students' use of emotion regulation strategies in common school situations. There are two versions: SERA-P for grades 1-5 which uses age-appropriate, illustrated, and…Student Engagement Instrument (SEI)-Secondary School Students
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: Belonging, Student engagementThe Student Engagement Instrument (SEI) is a 35-item (secondary) instrument that measures various components of student engagement, including teacher-student relationships which may provide insights into students' sense of belonging at school. Note: The overview provided for this instrument…Student Engagement Instrument (SEI)-Elementary School Students
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: Belonging, Student engagementThe Student Engagement Instrument (SEI) is a 31-items (elementary) instrument that measures various components of student engagement, including teacher-student relationships which may provide insights into students' sense of belonging at school. Note: The overview provided for this instrument…Student Measure of Culturally Responsive Teaching (SMCRT)
Topics: Student LearningThe Student Measure of Culturally Responsive Teaching (SMCRT) explores students‘ perspectives about culturally responsive teaching practices in their school. Subscore(s): Diverse Teaching Practice, Cultural Engagement, Diverse Language Affirmation Note: The overview provided for this instrument…Student Perception of Ability Scale (SPAS)
Topics: Student LearningThe SPAS uses perceptions of subject-specfic performance to measure academic self-concept. Subscore(s): There are six subscores: General ability, Arithmetic ability, School satisfaction, Reading and spelling ability, Penmanship and neatness, Confidence in academic ability Note: The…Student Perception of Wellbeing Questionnaire (SPWQ)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Student Perception of Wellbeing Questionnaire (SPWQ) measures adolescent well-being in three distinct areas: exercise, explanatory style, and conflict resolution. Subscore(s): There are three subscores: Benefits of exercise, Explanatory style, Conflict resolution Note: The overview…Student School Engagement Survey (SSES)
Topics: Student LearningTags: Student engagementThe Student School Engagement Survey (SSES) is used to evaluate student engagement interventions run by the National Center for Student Engagement in the U.S. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s…Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire (SSWQ)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire (SSWQ) is a 16-item self-report behavior rating scale for measuring youths' school-specific wellbeing. The SSWQ is comprised of four subscales: (1) Joy of Learning, (2) School Connectedness, (3) Educational Purpose, and (4) Academic Efficacy. Subscale…Student Success Network (SSN) Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe SSN student survey measures 7 SEL competencies that are connected to persistance and success in students. The categories include academic self-efficacy, belonging, growth mindset, interpersonal skills, problem-solving, self-advocacy, and self-regulation. The survey is intended for students…Student‐Teacher Relationship Scale
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: BelongingPianta’s scales (Pianta, 1997; Pianta & Nimetz, 1991; Pianta, Steinberg, & Rollins, 1995), yield measures of the child's relationship with his/her teacher, regarding whether the relationship is conflicted, warm, troubled, open, or dependent. Note: The overview provided for this instrument…Summer Learning Program Quality Assessment
Tags: Instructional practicesThe Summer Learning Program Quality Intervention (SLPQI) is a comprehensive system for improving program quality, built around the Summer Learning Program Quality Assessment (PQA). The SLPQI Box Set provides everything you need to assess the quality of your summer program(s), identify staff…Survey of Academic and Youth Outcomes (SAYO)
The Afterschool Program Assessment System (APAS) is a research-based, field-tested suite of three flexible assessment tools that can be used individually or together to enhance program quality and youth outcomes. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been…Survey of Teacher Practice (STeP)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTags: Instructional practicesSTeP is a tool that allows instructors to be evaluated by their students across a set of categories identified as critical for effective classroom instruction. Two optional open-ended questions are also included at the end allowing students to provide additional input that may not be fully captured…Tauck Family Foundation Formative Assessment Tool
Topics: Student Well-BeingChild Trends’ and the Foundation’s primary goal was to create tools that the Foundation’s investees could use to assess and monitor the extent to which the organizations are improving low-income students’ social and emotional skills associated with success in school and life. A secondary goal was…Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey (TMAS)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe 20-Item Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey (TMAS) is a unidimensional self-report inventory of teachers' multicultural awareness and sensitivity. The survey analyzes teachers' multicultural awareness, appreciation, and tolerance. Teacher Observation of Child Adaptation- Revised (TOCA-R)
Topics: Student Well-BeingTeachers were asked to complete one for each student in their class as a way to identify high-risk children. Teachers were asked to describe, among other things, whether the child completed assignments, was friendly, broke rules, was disobedient, fought, or yelled at others. Teachers used a Likert…Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) measures teachers' evaluations of how likely they are to be successful in teaching. TSES conceptualizes teaching as a complex activity and teacher efficacy as a multi-faceted construct representing at least three distinct factors: Efficacy for Classroom…Teacher Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Teacher Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire is an 8-item self-report rating scale measuring teachers' job-specific wellbeing. It comprises two subscales: (1) School Connectedness and (2) Teaching Efficacy. Subscale scores can be used as standalone wellbeing indicators or summed to create an…TeamUp Rubric
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTeamUP is a package of teaching and learning activities based on a theoretically grounded assessment rubric (Hastie et al., 2014). This rubric was designed to guide student learning and to assess the teamwork skills that they practice while undertaking team-based academic assignments in higher…Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTags: Instructional practicesThe Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) instrument is a self-efficacy survey that seeks to monitor and assess teachers' development of TPACK and seven interrelated knowledge domains. The measure is primarily aimed towards pre-service secondary mathematics teachers and can be used to…TerraNova 3 - Math
Topics: Student LearningTags: Mathematics educationTerraNova 3 from Data Recognition Corporation includes a range ofassessment products that measure math knowledge and skills, including online formats and brief test forms. The testing system was developed to be aligned to NCTM standards. TerraNova is available in Spanish as SUPERA.TerraNova3 - Reading
Topics: Student LearningTerraNova 3 reading assessments are designed to measureimportant higher order thinking skills as well as basic and applied skills. These assessments includenorm-referenced achievement scores, criterion-referenced objective mastery scores, and performance-level information.Test of Early Reading Ability-Fourth Edition (TERA-4)
Topics: Student LearningThe TERA-4 is an individually administered assessment of early reading mastery.Test of Mathematical Abilities – Third Edition (TOMA-3)
Topics: Student LearningTags: Mathematics educationThe TOMA-3 is an assessmentdesigned to identify, describe, and quantify mathematical deficits in school-age children. In addition to the math assessment, there are also measures of attitudes toward math available.Test of Reading Comprehension - Fourth Edition (TORC-4)
Topics: Student LearningThe TORC-4 assesses students' silent reading comprehension. It can be used to identify students in need of targeted reading intervention, monitor student progress, and serve as a research tool. The assessment measuresword identification and contextual meaning across five subtests for students in…Test of Silent Contextual Reading Fluency-Second Edition (TOSCRF-2)
Topics: Student LearningThe TOSCRF-2 is an assessment of reading comprehension and general reading ability.Test of Silent Reading Efficiency and Comprehension (TOSREC)
Topics: Student LearningThe TOSREC is a test of silent reading efficiency and comprehension designed for screening and progress monitoring.Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency-Second Edition (TOSWRF-2)
Topics: Student LearningThe TOSWRF-2 is an assessment designed to measure the ability to recognize printed words accurately and efficiently.Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI)
Topics: Student LearningTPRI was created to assesses student progress in critical reading domains, including phonemic awareness, graphophonemic knowledge, word reading, comprehension, accuracy, and fluency.Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2)
The Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) was introduced in 2021, replacing the previous version utilized since 2013. As per the Texas State Legislature mandate, all students entering Texas public higher education institutions must undergo TSIA2 or qualify for one of its exemptions. The…