Beck Youth Inventories - Second Edition (BYI-2)

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Five inventories each contain 20 questions about thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with emotional and social impairment in youth. Children and adolescents describe how frequently the statement has been true for them during the past two weeks, including today.

Depression Inventory: In line with the depression criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), this inventory allows for early identification of symptoms of depression. It includes items related to a child's or adolescent’s negative thoughts about self, life and the future, feelings of sadness and guilt, and sleep disturbance.

Anxiety Inventory: Reflects children's and adolescents’ specific worries about school performance, the future, negative reactions of others, fears including loss of control, and physiological symptoms associated with anxiety.

Anger Inventory: Evaluates a child's or adolescent’s thoughts of being treated unfairly by others, feelings of anger and hatred.

Disruptive Behavior Inventory: Identifies thoughts and behaviors associated with conduct disorder and oppositional-defiant behavior.

Self-Concept Inventory: Taps cognitions of competence, potency, and positive self-worth.


2nd Grade,
3rd Grade,
4th Grade,
5th Grade,
6th Grade,
7th Grade,
8th Grade,
9th Grade,
10th Grade,
11th Grade,
12th Grade,
Post secondary
Other Language/s
Danish, French, Polish

Administration Information

Each inventory takes 5 minutes

For details see link:


Access and Use


Web Administration Starter Kit- $90.60

Manual Administration Starter Kit -$351.30

Print Manual-$90.30

BYI-2 Combination Scoring Booklets (Pkg of 25)-$275.80

BYI-2 Individual Inventory Booklet (Pad of 25)-$60.80

*Additional pricing information can be found using instrument link


Pearson Assessments Contact Number: 1-800-627-7271

Open Access
Use in Research

Davidsson, M., Hult, N., Gillberg, C., Särneö, C., Gillberg, C., & Billstedt, E. (2017). Anxiety and depression in adolescents with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders; correlation between parent-and self-reports and with attention and adaptive functioning. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry71(8), 614-620.

Emam, M. M., & Abu-Serei, U. S. (2014). Family functioning predictors of self-concept and self-esteem in children at risk for learning disabilities in Oman: Exclusion of parent and gender contribution. International Education Studies7(10), 89-99.

Erozkan, A. (2017). Determining the anxiety sensitivity bases of anxiety: A study with undergraduate students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(1), 121-128.

Lindeblad, E., Svensson, I., & Gustafson, S. (2016). Self-concepts and psychological well-being assessed by Beck Youth Inventory among pupils with reading difficulties. Reading Psychology37(3), 449-469.


Computer scoring
Manual scoring
Psychometric References

Runyon, M. K., Steer, R. A., & Deblinger, E. (2009). Psychometric characteristics of the Beck Self-Concept Inventory for Youth with adolescents who have experienced sexual abuse. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment31(2), 129-136.

Stapleton, L. M., Sander, J. B., & Stark, K. D. (2007). Psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory for Youth in a sample of girls. Psychological Assessment19(2), 230.

Steer, R. A., Kumar, G., Beck, J. S., & Beck, A. T. (2001). Evidence for the construct validities of the Beck Youth Inventories with child psychiatric outpatients. Psychological reports89(3), 559-565.

Steer, R. A., Kumar, G., Beck, A. T., & Beck, J. S. (2005). Dimensionality of the Beck Youth Inventories with child psychiatric outpatients. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment27(2), 123-131.

Thastum, M., Ravn, K., Sommer, S., & Trillingsgaard, A. (2009). Reliability, validity and normative data for the Danish Beck Youth Inventories. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology50(1), 47-54.

Item Type

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