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Exemplary Practices in Afterschool Program Development: Rubrics for Tracking Internal Progress
An evaluation rubric that identifies exemplary practice indicators for sustaining partnerships with funders and supporters. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s website (or other site providing…Youth Experiences Survey 3.0
The Youth Experience Survey (YES) was developed to survey high-school aged adolescents about their developmental experiences in an extracurricular activity or community-based program. The YES includes 18 scales that assess self-reported experiences in the activity or program within six conceptual…Survey of Academic and Youth Outcomes (SAYO)
The Afterschool Program Assessment System (APAS) is a research-based, field-tested suite of three flexible assessment tools that can be used individually or together to enhance program quality and youth outcomes. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been…California After School Program Quality Self-Assessment Tool
The California Afterschool Program Quality Self-Assessment Tool (QSA Tool) is a collaborative project of the California Afterschool Network and the California Department of Education (CDE). Network Staff engaged the CDE, Regional Leads, The California After School Demonstration Program (CASDP),…The Youth Outcome Toolkit
Building upon a five-year evaluation of the After-School Initiative funded by The Colorado Trust, and evaluations of other youth-serving programs, the National Research Center, Inc created the Youth Outcome Toolkit as a comprehensive evaluation resource for programs serving youth. The Toolkit…Assessing Afterschool Program Practices Tool (APT)
APT is one of three research-based measurement tools that make up the APAS System, a field-tested, user-friendly suite of evaluation tools built with OST in mind. Use APT to measure the quality of your program, identify the areas where you are succeeding, and pinpoint areas to improve. APT will…Summer Learning Program Quality Assessment
Tags: Instructional practicesThe Summer Learning Program Quality Intervention (SLPQI) is a comprehensive system for improving program quality, built around the Summer Learning Program Quality Assessment (PQA). The SLPQI Box Set provides everything you need to assess the quality of your summer program(s), identify staff…National AfterSchool Association Core Knowledge, Skills, and Competencies Self-Assessment Tool
Tags: Child developmentThe Self-Assessment Tools empower individuals to assess their knowledge and skills based on the competencies outlined in the NAA Core Knowledge, Skills, and Competencies for OST Professionals. The Self-Assessment Tools are organized by content areas and allow OST professionals to reflect on…Camp Program Quality Assessment
The Camp Program Quality Assessment-Short Form (CPQA) outlines specific ways camps can promote quality through eight dimensions: staff friendliness and circulation, emotional safety, support for belonging, high expectations and good challenge, active and cooperative learning, camper voice, planning…California After School
Program Quality
Self-Assessment Tool
The California After-School Program Quality Self-Assessment Tool (CAN-QSA) was developed by the California Afterschool Network and the California Department of Education with input from a broad range of after school program stakeholders. This self-assessment tool is designed for use in after school…Youth Program Quality Assessment (YPQA)
Tags: Instructional practicesThe Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI) is a comprehensive system for improving program quality, built around the research-validated Program Quality Assessment (PQA). This Box Set provides everything you need to assess the quality of your program(s), identify staff training needs, and…