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Gallup Student Poll
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Gallup Student Poll is a web-based survey of engagement, hope, belonging, and wellbeing in students ranging from grade 5 through grade 12. The Gallup Student Poll is available to schools and districts in the United States and Canada. Subscore(s): Belonging, Engagement, Hope Note: The…View InstrumentHigh School Survey of Student Engagement (HSSSE)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe High School Survey of Student Engagement, a self-report measure, is built on a three-pronged framework of student engagement in their learning environment. The 121 items in this the survey consists of both open response and selected response questions. Subscore(s): Cognitive/intellectual…View InstrumentCommunity and Youth Collaborative Institute (CAYCI) School Experiences Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingThis body of surveys include forms for teacher/staff and parent/caregiver responses in addition to student responses. Each survey can include a number of scales which can be included or excluded according to the goals of the survey administrator. Some of these subscales include academic motivation,…View InstrumentCommunities that Care Youth Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Communities That Care (CTC) Youth Survey, developed by Drs. J. David Hawkins and Richard Catalano at the University of Washington’s Social Development Research Group, is a key tool from the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, part of the U.S. Government’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health…View InstrumentMaryland Safe and Supportive School Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Maryland Safe and Supports School Survey was developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Youth Violence Prevention in collaboration with project partners. Researchers from the Center undertook a comprehensive review of the literature focusing on the 3 domains of school climate (safety, engagement…View InstrumentSchool Climate Measure (SCM)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThis revised version of the School Climate Measure (SCM) is a 42-item measure comprised of 10 subscales, all rated on a 5-point Likert scale. An additional 2 subscales, Parental Involvement and Opportunities for Student Engagement, have been added to the original 8 subscales (Positive Student…View InstrumentClassroom Belonging Measure
Topics: Student Well-BeingStudent-reported sense of class cohesion, belonging, trust, and feeling heard. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s website (or other site providing information about the instrument). This information…View InstrumentTiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) is an instrument measuring to what extent school personnel use (or need) school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (SWPBIS). The three tiers in TFI are 1) universal SWPBIS features, 2) targeted SWPBIS features, and 3) intensive SWPBIS features…View InstrumentMy Class Inventory Short Form (MCI-SF)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe My Class Inventory-Short form, adapted from the longer form version of the My Class Inventory contains 25 yes or no questions written at a low reading level suitable for children. The MCI-SF asks respondents about their perceptions of five different dimensions of their actual classroom…View InstrumentThe Abbreviated School Climate Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Abbreviated School Climate Survey (ASCS), an abbreviated version of the 100-item School Climate survey developed by the Developmental Studies Center (now known as the Center for the Collaborative Classroom), is a 34-item assessment of school climate that includes 7 of the 11 subscales from the…View InstrumentMeriden School Climate Survey-Student Version (MSCS-SV)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Meriden School Climate Survey-Student Version is a 47-item survey of students‘ perception of adult support at school, school safety, respect for differences, adult support at home, including academic support, student aggression toward others, and peer support. Note: The overview provided for…View InstrumentClassroom Climate Scale
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Classroom Climate Scale was created to gauge elementary students' perceptions of school climate. It measures four key dimensions of school climate to help teachers improve school climate and classroom management. It builds on a previous school climate measure used in Chilean public schools by…View InstrumentInventory of School Climate (ISC-S)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Inventory of School Climate-Student version (ISC-S) is designed to asses 10 dimensions of school climate related to student adjustment. These dimensions include Teacher support, Consistency and clarity of rules and expectations, Student commitment and achievement orientation, Negative peer…View InstrumentSchool Climate and School Identification Measure (SCASIM-St)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe School Climate and School Identification Measure was designed to assess four critical (Student-student relations, Student-staff relations, Shared values and approach, and Academic emphasis) school climate factors along with a social identity measure of school identification in students ranging…View InstrumentSchool Climate Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe School Climate Survey (SCS), comprised of 40 question items, is utilized to assess children‘s perceptions of the quality of their school‘s climate by measuring the prevalence of behaviors within the school that correspond to specific interpersonal and intrapersonal character traits. All items…View InstrumentTripod School Climate Index
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Tripod School Climate Index is comprised of seven question items across two commonly accepted dimensions of school climate, safety and relationships. Each question item is answered on a 5-point Likert scale by students in grade 6 though grade 12. Note: The overview provided for this instrument…View InstrumentU. S. Department of Education School Climate Survey (EDSCLS)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe EDSCLS national benchmark study questionnaires designed for students, instructional staff, and non-instructional staff/principal cover 3 domains and 13 topics. The ED School Climate Surveys (EDSCLS) are a suite of survey instruments that were developed for schools, districts, and states by NCES…View InstrumentThe Social Connectedness Scale-Revised
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Social Connectedness Scale includes 8 items and measures students' sense of connectedness, affiliation, and companionship to provide a broad picture of belongingness. The authors have an accompanying Social Assurance scale (which measures students' sense of companionship and affiliation) often…View InstrumentSense of Social and Academic Fit
Topics: Student Well-BeingStudies show that people of color (Steele & Aronson, 1995), first-generation college students (Stephens, Hamedani, & Destin, 2014), and women (Inzlicht & Ben-Zeev, 2000) may struggle in school (or, in the case of women, in science, technology, engineering, and math classes) because they…View InstrumentSchool Belongingness Scale (SBS)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe School Belongingness Scale (SBS) is a 10-item measure of students' sense of belonging in the school as a whole as well as their relationships with teachers and peers. The measure includes items related to "Social Exclusion" and "Social Acceptance." Note: The overview provided for this…View InstrumentBelonging Uncertainty Scale
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Belonging Uncertainty Scale is an assessment of an individual's worry that they do not fit into a certain group or setting. The 3 question items that constitute this scale are scored on a seven-point Likert scale. Subscore(s): Belonging Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes…View InstrumentAssessing School Settings: Interactions of Students and Teachers (ASSIST)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTags: Learning environments, BelongingThe Assessing School Settings: Interactions of Students and Teachers observational measure (ASSIST) is a classroom observation instrument that rates social processes occurring in the classroom. The instrument was initially developed to evaluate students' and teachers' behaviors using the Positive…View InstrumentHolistic Student Assessment (HSA)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThis survey is meant to provide a social-emotional portrait of a young person. The data can be reported at an individual, classroom, school, and district level. The survey measures student perceptions of strengths and struggles in order to show where more support is needed. Subscore(s):…View InstrumentYoung Children‘s Perception of School Climate Questionnaire
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Young Children's Perception of School Climate Questionnaire was adapted from Habib, Anson, Cook, Clifford, and Antonio's (1993) School Climate Questionnaire which was originally designed for use in a study of middle school-aged children in Prince George County, Maryland. The resulting…View InstrumentSchool Climate Surveys
Topics: Student Well-BeingExcerpted Description: Tennessee has created an infrastructure for measuring school climate through the construction of reliable and validated survey measurement tools that are custom designed with stakeholder input from students, parents and educators in Tennessee. The survey measurement tools…View InstrumentUChicago Consortium 5Essentials Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe 5Essentials Survey from the University of Chicago's Consortium on School Research is an improvement framework and diagnostic survey tool used to assess a school's strengths while highlighting areas and opportunities for improvement across five essential factors for school improvement (Effective…View InstrumentGeorgia Brief School Climate Inventory (GaBSCI)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Georgia Brief School Climate Inventory (GaBSCI) is a 9-item measure of students' perceptions of school climate across three dimensions (safety, teaching and learning, and relationships within the school). Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been…View InstrumentResearch Assessment Package for Schools (RAPS)
Topics: Student LearningTags: BelongingCurrently, the RAPS includes five separate but integrated measurement tools assessing aspects of three of the four major components described above: RAPS-R, a strategy for analyzing and reporting data from student records (component 1); RAPS-S, a survey given to students to assess their levels of…View InstrumentACA Youth Outcomes Battery
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: BelongingACA's Youth Outcomes Battery, 2nd edition provides eleven measures that focus on youth outcomes common to the camp experience. The statistically tested questionnaires are designed for camp and youth programs, age-appropriate, and easily administered tools that can be individualized to your camp…View InstrumentCulture of Excellence and Ethics Assessment (CEEA) for Parent/Staff/Youth
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe CEEA equips schools and workplaces to make data-driven decisions to improve the culture and climate. The CEEA for schools is aligned with 21st Century Skills and distinguished from other school climate surveys by its unique focus on the cultural assets provided by school and family culture. …View Instrument