Strengthening School Connectedness to Increase Student Success
Category: Student Well-Being
TeamUP is a package of teaching and learning activities based on a theoretically grounded assessment rubric (Hastie et al., 2014). This rubric was designed to guide student learning and to assess the teamwork skills that they practice while undertaking team-based academic assignments in higher education. The focus of the TeamUP Rubric is on the fundamental teamwork behaviours that can be taught, practised and assessed so that individual students are enabled to develop their skills over time. Students use the rubric to provide anonymous peer feedback to each other; the subject coordinator then assigns individual teamwork marks, taking into account peer feedback and other evidence such as project plans and meeting minutes. The other elements of TeamUP aresix lectures and six associated skills practice tutorials on topics directly relevant to the skill domains referred to in the rubric.
Britton, E., Simper, N., Leger, A., & Stephenson, J. (2017). Assessing teamwork in undergraduate education: a measurement tool to evaluate individual teamwork skills. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(3), 378-397.
Hastie, C. R., Fahy, K. M., Parratt, J. A., & Grace, S. (2016). Midwifery students experience of teamwork projects involving mark-related peer feedback. Women and Birth, 29(3), 252-259.
Vaughan, B., Grace, S., & Yoxall, J. (2019). Developing teamwork skills in pre-registration osteopathy education: A qualitative pilot investigation. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 33, 46-51.
Vaughan, B., Yoxall, J., & Grace, S. (2019). Peer assessment of teamwork in group projects: Evaluation of a rubric. Issues in Educational Research, 29(3), 961-978.
Hastie, C. R. (2018). ‘TeamUP’: An approach to developing teamwork skills in undergraduate midwifery students. Midwifery, 58, 93-95.
Hastie, C., Fahy, K., & Parratt, J. (2014). The development of a rubric for peer assessment of individual teamwork skills in undergraduate midwifery students. Women and Birth, 27(3), 220-226.
Parratt, J. A., Fahy, K. M., Hutchinson, M., Lohmann, G., Hastie, C. R., Chaseling, M., & O’Brien, K. (2016). Expert validation of a teamwork assessment rubric: A modified Delphi study. Nurse Education Today, 36, 77-85.