Learning environments
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My Class Inventory Short Form (MCI-SF)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe My Class Inventory-Short form, adapted from the longer form version of the My Class Inventory contains 25 yes or no questions written at a low reading level suitable for children. The MCI-SF asks respondents about their perceptions of five different dimensions of their actual classroom…View InstrumentElevate
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: Motivation, Learning environmentsElevate Survey measures nine learning conditions that influence students' motivation and also their ability to engage and learn. Subscore(s): Affirming identities, classroom community, feedback for growth, meaningful work, student voice, teacher caring, learning goals, supportive teaching, well…View InstrumentThe School Success Profile (SSP)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe SSP is an online survey featuring 195 multiple-choice questions. These questions explore students' perceptions of their social surroundings—neighborhoods, schools, friends, and families—as well as their own physical and psychological well-being and academic performance (individual adaptation)…View InstrumentThe Social Connectedness Scale-Revised
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Social Connectedness Scale includes 8 items and measures students' sense of connectedness, affiliation, and companionship to provide a broad picture of belongingness. The authors have an accompanying Social Assurance scale (which measures students' sense of companionship and affiliation) often…View InstrumentSense of Social and Academic Fit
Topics: Student Well-BeingStudies show that people of color (Steele & Aronson, 1995), first-generation college students (Stephens, Hamedani, & Destin, 2014), and women (Inzlicht & Ben-Zeev, 2000) may struggle in school (or, in the case of women, in science, technology, engineering, and math classes) because they…View InstrumentSchool Belongingness Scale (SBS)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe School Belongingness Scale (SBS) is a 10-item measure of students' sense of belonging in the school as a whole as well as their relationships with teachers and peers. The measure includes items related to "Social Exclusion" and "Social Acceptance." Note: The overview provided for this…View InstrumentBelonging Uncertainty Scale
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Belonging Uncertainty Scale is an assessment of an individual's worry that they do not fit into a certain group or setting. The 3 question items that constitute this scale are scored on a seven-point Likert scale. Subscore(s): Belonging Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes…View InstrumentAssessing School Settings: Interactions of Students and Teachers (ASSIST)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTags: Learning environments, BelongingThe Assessing School Settings: Interactions of Students and Teachers observational measure (ASSIST) is a classroom observation instrument that rates social processes occurring in the classroom. The instrument was initially developed to evaluate students' and teachers' behaviors using the Positive…View InstrumentThe Hemingway Measure of Adolescent Connectedness
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: Learning environmentsThe full 78-item Hemingway includes 15 ecological subscales measuring three domains of adolescent connectedness - connectedness to self, connectedness to others, and connectedness to society. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the…View InstrumentInquiry Science Instruction Observation Protocol (ISIOP)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Inquiry Science Instruction Observation Protocol (ISIOP) is a structured classroom observation measure for middle and high school science. The measure is used to identify the nature and extent of inquiry science instruction. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that…View InstrumentGeometry Assessments for Secondary Teachers (GAST) Classroom Observation Tool
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Geometry Assessments for Secondary Teachers (GAST) Classroom Observation Tool classifies the teaching moves and instructional tasks of teachers according to cognitive demand. It is designed for use specifically within math lessons focused on similarity, congruence, surface area, and volume. It…View InstrumentThe Scale for Teachers' Assessment of Routines Engagement (STARE)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Scale for Teachers‘ Assessment of Routines Engagement (STARE) documents teachers‘ perspectives of a child‘s engagement in classroom activities. Suitable for both typically developing children and children with disabilities, STARE focuses on how much time the child was engaged with adults, peers…View InstrumentCulturally Ambitious Teaching Practices in Mathematics (CATP)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTags: Culturally responsive schooling, Instructional practices, Learning environments, Mathematics educationCulturally Ambitious Teaching Practices in Mathematics (CATP) measures practices that support the development of a culturally relevant classroom environment. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s…View InstrumentMathematical Quality of Instruction (MQI)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Mathematical Quality of Instruction (MQI) is a Common Core-aligned observational rubric that provides a framework for analyzing mathematics instruction. Observers rate instruction across five domains: common core-aligned student practices; working with students and mathematics; richness of…View InstrumentCulturally Responsive Instruction Observation Protocol (CRIOP)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Culturally Responsive Instruction Observation Protocol (CRIOP) is a comprehensive framework and evaluation tool that operationalizes culturally responsive instruction. Indicators of culturally responsive instruction are rated on a scale of 0 (never) to 4 (consistently); and each indicator…View InstrumentFramework for Teaching (FfT)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentFramework for Teaching is a classroom observation instrument that can be used for measuring and evaluating the instructional quality of all teachers (from pre-service to experienced) across K-12. The measure can be flexibly used by classroom teachers for professional learning, school leaders for…View InstrumentClassroom Practices Inventory (CPI)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Classroom Practices Inventory is a classroom observation measure for early childhood classrooms. It is designed to assess the developmental appropriateness of classroom and curricular practices, teachers actions, children's activities, and teacher-child interactions. Note: The overview provided…View InstrumentChildren's Self-Efficacy for Peer Interaction Scale
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThis 22-item questionnaire is designed to assess children's perceptions of their ability to enact prosocial verbal persuasive skills in specific peer situations. 12 scale items describeconflict situations, and 10 items describenon-conflict situations. Students are asked to respond to each situation…View InstrumentEarly Childhood
Classroom Observation
Measure (ECCOM)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM) is a classroom observation instrument that rates the nature and quality of academic instruction. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s website…View InstrumentMatthews & Lopez 2019
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentSubscales within the article are: Critical Awareness, Heritage Language Expectations, Cultural Content Integration. The authors reported that honoring students’ heritage language (i.e., Spanish) is the mediating element through which cultural content integration predicts mathematics achievement for…View InstrumentMulticultural Teaching Observation Instrument (MTOI)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Teacher Support category measures a teachers' support of students as individuals and their culture. The Classroom equity category measures whether teachers are fair or equitable toward all students and the extent to which teachers try to reduce prejudice in the classroom. The integration of…View InstrumentClassroom Observation of Early Mathematics - Environment and Teaching (COEMET)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTags: Early childhood education, Instructional practices, Learning environments, Mathematics educationCOEMET is a classroom observation instrument that evaluates classroom culture and the use of specific math activities. It includes questions about how actively the teacher interacts with the children, how the teacher uses teachable math moments, how math is displayed in the physical environment of…View InstrumentChildrens Self-Efficacy for Peer Interaction Scale
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThis 22-item questionnaire is designed to assess children's perceptions of their ability to enact prosocial verbal persuasive skills in specific peer situations. 12 scale items describe conflict situations, and 10 items describe non-conflict situations. Students are asked to respond to each…View InstrumentFrequency of Mathematics Instructional Practices Survey
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Frequency of Mathematics Instructional Practices Survey is a 14-item survey of self-reported instructional practices. The survey can be used by teachers, administrators, teacher educators, policymakers and researchers in order to assess the extent to which teachers' practices are social…View InstrumentEarly Childhood
Environment Rating
Topics: Student Well-BeingEarly Childhood Environment Rating Scale®, 3rd ed. -- A thorough revision of the ECERS-R™, designed to assess group programs for preschool-kindergarten aged children, from 3 through 5 years of age. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the…View InstrumentEarly Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS) is an assessment of classroom quality measuring environmental provisions and teacher-child interactions affecting the developmental needs of preschool- and kindergarten-aged children. The third edition of the assessment, ECERS-3, includes 35…View InstrumentQuality of Classroom Instruction (QCI)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Quality of Classroom Instruction (QCI) measures the quality of explicit instruction. QCI examines the following eight aspects of instructional interactions: teacher modeling, instructional pacing, response time, transitions between activities, student engagement, learning success, checks of…View InstrumentChild Caregiver Interaction Scale
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Child Caregiver Interaction Scale (CCIS), Revised Edition is an observation-based instrument created by Dr. Barbara Carl, Ph.D that assesses caregiver-child interaction. The 14 items are based upon the Developmentally Appropriate Practice position statements of the National Association for the…View InstrumentEarly Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM) is a classroom observation instrument that rates the nature and quality of academic instruction and the overall learning environment. The instrument is based on social-constructivist learning theory, such that in high-scoring classrooms…View Instrument