Measures that assess students' orientation toward academic work, approaches to learning tasks, and academic motivation.
Displaying 61 - 90 of 94
Implicit Person Theory Scale
Topics: Student LearningThe Implicit Person Theory Scale is an 8-item measure of the extent to which an individual believes they can change. Items within the measure are answered on a six-point Likert scale. Subscore(s): Implicit person theory Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have…Metacognitive Performance Assessment (MPA)
Topics: Student LearningThe Metacognitive Performance Assessment (MPA) measures metacognition in mathematical problem solving. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s website (or other site providing information about the…Junior Metacognitive Awareness Inventory Version A
Topics: Student LearningThe Junior Metacognitive Awareness Inventory Version A (JrMAI-A) was developed to assess metacognition in children in grades 3-5. The JrMAI-A can be used to screen learners for metacognitive and cognitive strategy interventions. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that…Student Perception of Ability Scale (SPAS)
Topics: Student LearningThe SPAS uses perceptions of subject-specfic performance to measure academic self-concept. Subscore(s): There are six subscores: General ability, Arithmetic ability, School satisfaction, Reading and spelling ability, Penmanship and neatness, Confidence in academic ability Note: The…Survey of Academic and Youth Outcomes (SAYO)
The Afterschool Program Assessment System (APAS) is a research-based, field-tested suite of three flexible assessment tools that can be used individually or together to enhance program quality and youth outcomes. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been…Intellectual Achievement Responsibility (IAR)
Topics: Student LearningThe IAR assesses the extent to which children believe that they are responsible for academic and intellectual successes and failures, rather than other people. Subscore(s): Positive event and negative event subscores are reported. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content…Cultivate Survey
Topics: Student LearningCultivate is administered to all of a schools’ 5th-12th grade classrooms. Students in each of those grades are randomly assigned to report on their English, math, science, or social studies class. Survey results are grouped by grade level and subject area; classroom- and teacher-level data is not…Creativity Assessment Packet (Test of Divergent Thinking) (CAP)
Topics: Student LearningThe Creativity Assessment Packet (CAP) is a bundle of three assessments (Test of Divergent Thinking, Test of Divergent Feeling, and The Williams Scale) designed to measure cognitive competencies. Subscore(s): Subscale scores are reported: Originality, Fluency, Flexibility, Elaboration Note: The…Children's Hope Scale (CHS)
Topics: Student LearningThe Children's Hope Scale (CHS) is a six-item self-report measure of children's perceptions that their goals can be met. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s website (or other site providing…Middle School Learning Strategies Scale (MSLS)
Topics: Student LearningThe MSLS measures students use of cognitive, behavioral and metacognitive learning strategies. Subscore(s): There are three subscores: Cognitive, Behavioral, Metacognitive strategy use Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the…Digital Online Media Literacy Assessment (DOMLA)
Topics: Student LearningThe intent of the Digital Online Media Literacy Assessment (DOMLA) is to collect quantitative data that will aid in identifying digital online media literacy levels of university students Subscore(s): There are four subscores: Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension, Viewing comprehension,…Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI)
Topics: Student LearningThe Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI) measures students' self-assessments of how well they use reading strategies when working with academic or school-based texts. It is designed to help students increase metacognition and to be more strategic in their approach to…Research Assessment Package for Schools (RAPS)
Topics: Student LearningTags: BelongingCurrently, the RAPS includes five separate but integrated measurement tools assessing aspects of three of the four major components described above: RAPS-R, a strategy for analyzing and reporting data from student records (component 1); RAPS-S, a survey given to students to assess their levels of…Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scales (PALS)
Topics: Student Well-BeingPALS is used to investigate the relationship between a student's learning environment and their affect, motivation, and behavior. It consists of both a student scale and a teacher scale. The student scale investigates personal achievement goal orientations, perceptions of teacher goals, perceptions…MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (CDI)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (CDI) is a parent-focused instrument measuring the communicative development of children aged 8-37 months. CDI allows professionals to screen and develop prognoses for language delays by tapping into parents‘ knowledge of their children‘s…Preschool Learning Behaviors Scale (PLBS)
Topics: Student LearningTeachers rate children’s approaches to learning using the PLBS (PLBS; McDermott, Leigh, & Perry, 2002). In general, content focuses on attentiveness, responses to novelty and correction, observed problem‐solving strategy, flexibility, reflectivity, initiative, self‐direction, and cooperative…5 Essentials
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: BelongingThe 5Essentials® is a research-based school improvement system that identifies and measures key organizational conditions, including school culture and climate, to enhance student outcomes. It features a diagnostic survey with research-tested scoring and interactive reporting, offering insights…Sedlacek Noncognitive Questionnaire (NCQ)
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: Higher educationThe Sedlacek Noncognitive Questionnaire (NCQ) assesses eight aspects of experiential and contextual intelligence. It was designed to provide information that could be used by advisors to work with students developmentally. Subscore(s): There are eight subscores: Positive self-concept, Realistic…Academic Optimism of Schools Survey
Topics: Student LearningTags: BelongingThe measurement of academic optimism at the individual level is comprised of three parts. First measure teacher sense of self-efficacy, then teacher trust in students and parents, and finally, the teacher’s academic press for achievement. An index of teacher sense of academic optimism is the…The Youth Outcome Toolkit
Building upon a five-year evaluation of the After-School Initiative funded by The Colorado Trust, and evaluations of other youth-serving programs, the National Research Center, Inc created the Youth Outcome Toolkit as a comprehensive evaluation resource for programs serving youth. The Toolkit…ThinkReady
ThinkReady (formerly C-PAS, CPAS) is an innovative assessment designed to track the development of Key Cognitive Strategies (KCS), which are the thinking skills necessary for college and career readiness and success. Through extensive research over more than a decade, Dr. David T. Conley, founder…College and Work Readiness Assessment Plus (CWRA+)
Topics: Student LearningTags: College readinessThe College and Work Readiness Assessment Plus (CWRA+) measures critical thinking and written communication skills. Subscore(s): Subscale scores are reported for subtests (performance task and selected-response questions) in six skill areas: Performance task, Analysis and problem solving,…WorkFORCE Assessment for Job Fit
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: Higher educationThe WorkFORCE Assessment for Job Fit is a personality assessment utilizing the FACETS core capability, which is based on innovations in forced-choice assessment and computer adaptive testing. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the…Arke Primack Scale (APS; Media Literacy)
Topics: Student LearningTags: Higher educationArke Primack Scale (APS). The Arke Primack Scale (APS) measures media literacy and critical thinking. Subscore(s): Radio, TV, Print. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s website (or other site…Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (3rd Edition) (LASSI)
The Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (3rd Edition) (LASSI) assesses awareness and use of learning and study strategies. It can be used diagnostically and prescriptively, for planning remediation enrichment, or as a pre-post measure for program evaluation. Subscore(s): There are 10…College Readiness Performance Assessment System (C-PAS)
Topics: Student LearningTags: College readinessThinkReady (formerly C-PAS, CPAS) is an innovative assessment designed to track the development of Key Cognitive Strategies (KCS), which are the thinking skills necessary for college and career readiness and success. Through extensive research over more than a decade, Dr. David T. Conley, founder…California Measure of Mental Motivation (CM3)
Topics: Student LearningTags: Higher educationThe CM3 is sold by Insight Assessment and is designed to measure the degree to which a student feels that they are cognitively engaged and mentally motivated toward intellectual activities that involve reasoning. This test contains seven scales of critical thinking: (a) truth‚Äêseeking, (b) open…Science Discourse Instrument
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Science Discourse Instrument (SDI) is an observation tool and rubric used to evaluate the quality of discussions in science classrooms. There are six categories for observation in the SDI, which are considered essential to strong discourse in science classrooms, three of the categories focus on…Behavioral Observation of Students in Schools (BOSS)
Topics: Student LearningThe Behavioral Observation of Students in Schools (BOSS) is an observation-based system for coding classroom behavior. BOSS is also useful for measuring ADHD symptoms as it has been shown to differentiate between children with ADHD and typically developing children. BOSS allows systematic recording…Internet Skills Scale (ISS)
Topics: Student LearningTags: Higher educationThe Internet Skills Scale (ISS) measures internet skills, including the ability to search for information, practice online communication, and create online content. Subscore(s): Scores are reported for each skill type: Operational, Mobile, Information navigation, Social, Creative Note:…