<p>In collaboration with both internal and external experts , this collection of teaching instruments was compiled with the goal of providing users with a range of tools to assess teaching in school settings. Like many other emerging areas of education research, measurement in teaching is a space with sparsely-available high quality instruments. As a result, our team relied on the established meta-analysis in order to help ensure selected instruments provided valuable results. Additionally, while potential users are browsing our teaching measures, they may notice a range of granularity in the subject matter of this instrument collection; thus connecting back to our goal of providing an expansive collection of fruitful measurement tools.</p>
<p>We encourage users to take some time considering the level of flexibility they have in measuring their intended construct or skill. This deliberation, coupled with an exploration of the context in which these teaching measures are being used, will help potential users work toward a productive research experience.</p>
<p>We would like to thank visiting faculty member Heather Hill, <a data-remove-tab-index="true" data-sk="tooltip_parent" data-stringify-link="https://www.edresearch.edu.au/" delay="150" href="https://www.edresearch.edu.au/" rel="noopener noreferrer" tabindex="-1" target="_blank">AERO</a>’s Senior Manager of Research and Evaluation Zid Mancenido, and their respective research teams for their invaluable contributions to this collection.</p>
In collaboration with both internal and external experts , this collection of teaching instruments was compiled with the goal of providing users with a range of tools to assess teaching in school settings. Like many other emerging areas of education research, measurement in teaching is a space with sparsely-available high quality instruments. As a result, our team relied on the established meta-analysis in order to help ensure selected instruments provided valuable results. Additionally, while potential users are browsing our teaching measures, they may notice a range of granularity in the subject matter of this instrument collection; thus connecting back to our goal of providing an expansive collection of fruitful measurement tools.
We encourage users to take some time considering the level of flexibility they have in measuring their intended construct or skill. This deliberation, coupled with an exploration of the context in which these teaching measures are being used, will help potential users work toward a productive research experience.
We would like to thank visiting faculty member Heather Hill, AERO’s Senior Manager of Research and Evaluation Zid Mancenido, and their respective research teams for their invaluable contributions to this collection.