Measures of skills and dispositions that enable students to understand and manage emotions, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
Displaying 151 - 180 of 198
Attitudes and Behavior Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Attitudes and Behaviors Survey gives a snapshot of the current experiences and perspectives of youth in schools, programs, or communities. It emphasizes the strengths and supports they currently have and need, and how those positive indicators protect against risk behaviors. This widely used…Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (Parent/Child) (ASRI-P/C)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) questionnaire measures short-term and long-term self regulation and was designed for use by researchers interested in studying self-regulation in adolescents. Subscore(s): Short-term self regulation, Long-term self regulation Note: The overview…Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (Adolescent) (ASRI-A)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) questionnaire measures short-term and long-term self regulation and was designed for use by researchers interested in studying self-regulation in adolescents. Subscore(s): Short-term self regulation, Long-term self regulation Note: The overview…Adolescent Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (AERQ)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Adolescent Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (AERQ) was designed to measure emotional regulation strategies. Subscore(s): Positive emotion regulation strategies, Negative body experiences or strategies, Social connection, Negative cognition strategies Note: The overview provided for this…Active and Engaged Citizenship (AEC)
Topics: Student Well-BeingAEC was proposed as a second-order latent construct that encompasses four first-order latent factors: Civic Duty, Civic Skills, Neighborhood Social Connection, and Civic Participation. Measurement invariance was tested over time (from Grade 8 to Grade 10) and between boys and girls. Note: The…ACT Mosaic (formerly Tessera)
Topics: Student Well-BeingACT Mosaic™ is a comprehensive assessment system designed to measure students' social-emotional skills and support schools in fostering student success. Previously known as Tessera™, the assessment was developed by ACT based on extensive research in education, psychology, and workforce readiness…Youth Experiences Survey 3.0
The Youth Experience Survey (YES) was developed to survey high-school aged adolescents about their developmental experiences in an extracurricular activity or community-based program. The YES includes 18 scales that assess self-reported experiences in the activity or program within six conceptual…Social Academic and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe SAEBRS (Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener) is a brief, norm-referenced tool for screening all students to identify those who are at risk for social-emotional behavior (SEB) problems. SAEBRS is one of the only SEB universal screening tools built to assess both the absence of…Social Emotional Learning Screening Assessment (SELA)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe SELA's content and internal structure were based on the CASEL five model and the existing SSIS Performance Screening Guide. Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s website (or other site providing…Washoe County School District Social and Emotional Competency Assessments (WCSD-SECAs)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Washoe County School District Social and Emotional Competency Assessments (WCSD-SECAs) are free, open-source instruments that measure the self-reported social and emotional competencies of students in grades 5-12. The WCSD-SECA instruments were developed through a collaboration among WCSD, the…Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) Character Report Card
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe KIPP Character Strengths framework combines the knowledge of teachers and character researchers to outline a set of abilities and attitudes critical to leading an engaged, happy, and successful life. It is used by the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP), a network of 224 college-preparatory,…Delaware Bullying Victimization Surveys
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe 2016 Delaware School Surveys (DSS) are comprised of five separate scales: Delaware School Climate Scale (DSCS); Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale (DBVS); Delaware Student Engagement Scale (DSES); Delaware Positive, Punitive, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Techniques Scale (DTS); and…Research Assessment Package for Schools (RAPS)
Topics: Student LearningTags: BelongingCurrently, the RAPS includes five separate but integrated measurement tools assessing aspects of three of the four major components described above: RAPS-R, a strategy for analyzing and reporting data from student records (component 1); RAPS-S, a survey given to students to assess their levels of…Social Perspective Taking
Topics: Student Well-BeingSocial Perspective Taking (SPT) is measured through three sub-scales which are the SPT Propensity scale, the SPT Confidence scale, and the SPT Importance scale (24 items total). In the initial study, a performance task to assess social perspective taking ability and an interview to uncover…ACA Youth Outcomes Battery
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: BelongingACA's Youth Outcomes Battery, 2nd edition provides eleven measures that focus on youth outcomes common to the camp experience. The statistically tested questionnaires are designed for camp and youth programs, age-appropriate, and easily administered tools that can be individualized to your camp…VIA Adult Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: Higher educationIn July 2017, the VIA Institute completed and released a substantial revision of the VIA Inventory of Strengths, as well as the development of several new scales. These new assessments are part of the VIA Assessment Suite for Adults. For each of these assessments signature strengths, 24 strength…VIA Youth Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Values in Action Youth Survey (VIA Youth Survey) is an open-access Likert survey for children ages 10-17 measuring 24 character strengths within the broad categories Courage, Humanity, Justice, Temperance, Transcendence, and Wisdom. It has both a 96- and 198- item version, and it has been…Social Skills Improvement System, Social-Emotional Learning Edition (SSIS SEL)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe Social Skills Improvement System-Social Emotional Learning Edition (SSIS SEL) is sold through Pearson and measures a variety of social and emotional competencies using both norm and criterion referencing. There are both digital and paper versions which can be completed by students, parents, or…Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF)
Topics: Student Well-BeingThe BRIEF was developed in 2000 and assesses a student's executive functioning in the home and school. It includes parent response forms and teacher response forms. Designed to assess the abilities of a broad range of children and adolescents, the BRIEF is useful when working with children who have…5 Essentials
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: BelongingThe 5Essentials® is a research-based school improvement system that identifies and measures key organizational conditions, including school culture and climate, to enhance student outcomes. It features a diagnostic survey with research-tested scoring and interactive reporting, offering insights…American Institutes for Research Conditions for Learning Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: BelongingAIR supports improved student and school performance through the Conditions for Learning Survey, administered in schools across the United States, including the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. The survey assesses four core constructs within elementary, middle and high schools: A safe and…Conditions for Learning (CfL) Survey
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: BelongingAIR supports improved student and school performance through the Conditions for Learning Survey, administered in schools across the United States, including the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. The survey assesses four core constructs within elementary, middle and high schools: A safe and…Student Engagement Instrument (SEI)-Elementary School Students
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: Belonging, Student engagementThe Student Engagement Instrument (SEI) is a 31-items (elementary) instrument that measures various components of student engagement, including teacher-student relationships which may provide insights into students' sense of belonging at school. Note: The overview provided for this instrument…Rothbart Temperament Scales – Infant, Early Childhood, Child
Topics: Student Well-BeingThree higher‐order temperament factors pertinent to the assessment of emotional expressiveness and regulation have been isolated: (a) negative affectivity, (b) surgency; and (c) effortful control (Rothbart et al, 1994). Taken together, they comprise a child's constitutional, individual pattern of…Student Engagement Instrument (SEI)-Secondary School Students
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: Belonging, Student engagementThe Student Engagement Instrument (SEI) is a 35-item (secondary) instrument that measures various components of student engagement, including teacher-student relationships which may provide insights into students' sense of belonging at school. Note: The overview provided for this instrument…OECD Survey on Social and Emotional Skills - Teachers
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: BelongingThe Study on Social and Emotional Skills aims to assess the social and emotional skills of students at multiple international locations, and to examine the factors in students’ home, school and community environments that promote or hinder development of these skills.…Sedlacek Noncognitive Questionnaire (NCQ)
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: Higher educationThe Sedlacek Noncognitive Questionnaire (NCQ) assesses eight aspects of experiential and contextual intelligence. It was designed to provide information that could be used by advisors to work with students developmentally. Subscore(s): There are eight subscores: Positive self-concept, Realistic…UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3)
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: Higher educationUCLA Loneliness Scale-3 is an instrument measuring self-reported subjective feelings of loneliness and social isolation. Its 20 items use a Likert-type rating scale ranging from 1 (never) to 4 (always). Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from…OECD Survey on Social and Emotional Skills - Principals
Topics: Student Well-BeingTags: BelongingThe Study on Social and Emotional Skills aims to assess the social and emotional skills of students at multiple international locations, and to examine the factors in students’ home, school and community environments that promote or hinder development of these skills.…Indicators of Individual Growth and Development for Infants and Toddlers (IGDI)
Topics: Student Well-BeingIndicators of Individual Growth and Development for Infants and Toddlers (IGDI) measure development outcomes for children between 6 and 42 months. IGDI assessments are evaluations of 6-minute play sessions with the child and require the use of a set of toys in addition to administration materials…