Displaying 61 - 69 of 69
Quality of Classroom Instruction (QCI)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Quality of Classroom Instruction (QCI) measures the quality of explicit instruction. QCI examines the following eight aspects of instructional interactions: teacher modeling, instructional pacing, response time, transitions between activities, student engagement, learning success, checks of…High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities Self Assessment Tools
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTags: Instructional practicesThis resource will help preservice and in-service teachers reflect on and assess how well they are implementing high-leverage practices (HLPs) for students with disabilities. In the tool, teachers and teacher candidates can self-assess on all 22 HLPs or target only specific HLPs. The content for…Comprehensive Assessment of Learning for Learning (CALL)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTags: Instructional practicesA user-friendly school-wide needs assessment and feedback system for school improvement. The Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) provides unique tools and customized services to support professional growth, leadership development, and school improvement planning. Note: The…Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTags: Instructional practicesThe Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP) is an observational instrument used to assess the degree to which mathematics or science instruction in grades K-12 is "reformed." Trained observers rate teachers' instruction across three domains: Lesson Design and Implementation, Content, and…Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure (ECCOM) is a classroom observation instrument that rates the nature and quality of academic instruction and the overall learning environment. The instrument is based on social-constructivist learning theory, such that in high-scoring classrooms…Inquiry Science Instruction Observation Protocol (ISIOP)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTags:The Inquiry Science Instruction Observation Protocol (ISIOP) is a structured classroom observation measure for middle and high school science. The measure is used to identify the nature and extent of inquiry science instruction.Multicultural Efficacy Scale (MES)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Multicultural Efficacy Scale (MES) measures teachers' multicultural efficacy and the multicultural teacher education dimensions of intercultural experiences, minority group knowledge, attitudes about diversity, and knowledge of teaching skills in multicultural settings. Subscore(s): Teacher…Preservice Teacher Feedback Survey
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentTags: Professional developmentThe Preservice Teacher Feedback Survey measures beliefs about classroom feedback practices and confidence in giving feedback to students. The measure is designed for use by preservice teachers to assess the extent to which their beliefs and confidence in giving feedback align with research on…The Science Management Observation Protocol (SMOP)
Topics: Teacher and Leader DevelopmentThe Science Management Observation Protocol (SMOP) is used to conduct structured observations of science classroom practice. SMOP identifies specific teacher behaviors and classroom characteristics which influence an inquiry-based classroom. Teachers and administrators can use the protocol to…