Helping Students Make Informed Choices About College
Category: Pathways to and Through Postsecondary
The Readiness and Expectations Questionnaire (REQ) is a researcher-designed instrument for measuring first-year postsecondary students’ expectations and preparedness for studying in college (Jansen et al., 2013; Jansen & van der Meer, 2007).
In the domain of student expectations, the REQ focuses on the expectations to be inducted by teachers, be involved in research or be told about research activities, that university will be similar to high school, and that they need time-management skills.
In the college readiness domain, the REQ measures students’ perceived readiness in information processing, collaborative learning, time management, and writing.
Year developed:2006.
Free (in the Appendix of Jansen et al. (2013), see psychometric resources below)
E. Jansen
Jansen, E. P. W. A., André, S., & Suhre, C. (2013). Readiness and expectations questionnaire: A cross-cultural measurement instrument for first-year university students.Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability,25, 115-130.
Jansen, E. P. W. A., & van der Meer, J. (2007). First-year students’ expectations and perceptions of readiness before they start university. In: Enhancing higher education theory and scholarship, refereed proceedings of the 30th HERDSA annual conference (pp. 275–284).