The GMADE (Group Mathematics Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation) is a diagnostic mathematics test sold by Pearson that measures individual student skills in the main areas of math. The assesmsent aligns with standards by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and can be used for growth monitoring, strengths and areas for improvement identification, and student placement.
Administration Information
Purchasing requires Pearson Qualification Level B
Access and Use
Kits starting at $135
Pearson: 800-328-5999
Jitendra, A. K., Harwell, M. R., Dupuis, D. N., Karl, S. R., Lein, A. E., Simonson, G., & Slater, S. C. (2015). Effects of a Research-Based Intervention to Improve Seventh-Grade Students' Proportional Problem Solving: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107(4), 1019-1034.
Must contact publisher
Additional resource:
Savage, C. (2022). Considerations for use of middle grades mathematics assessments. EdInstruments Brief, Annenberg Institute for School Reform, Brown University.…