Design Principles for Accelerating Student Learning with High-Impact Tutoring (updated June 2024)
Category: Student Learning
Population Measure: Developed with the Assessment Profile for Early Childhood Programs: Research Edition I (1992) was originally standardized using 401 preschool classrooms in childcare, Head Start, and kindergarten settings. Later revised using a national standardization sample of 2,820 classrooms. Subsequent analyses across the original 87 items were conducted to confirm the factor structures, to estimate reliability, and to recalibrate the IRT properties. Following the analyses, each scale was reduced to 12 items and the Assessment Profile: Research Edition II was published in 1998.
Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s website (or other site providing information about the instrument). This information is presented for educational and informational purposes only. If you have any questions about the content or its permitted uses, please contact
American Institutes for Research® partnered with the Annenberg Institute at Brown University to collect instruments related to student well-being.
Martha Abbott‐Shim.
294 Woodview Drive
Decatur, GA 30030