Child Caregiver Interaction Scale

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Instrument Overview

The Child Caregiver Interaction Scale (CCIS), Revised Edition is an observation-based instrument created by Dr. Barbara Carl, Ph.D that assesses caregiver-child interaction. The 14 items are based upon the Developmentally Appropriate Practice position statements of the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) and the National Health and Safety Performance Standards. The CCIS, which measures emotional, cognitive/physical, and social behaviors, is appropriate for children from birth to 5 years.



Access and Use

Open Access
Use in Research
Tanyel, N., & Knopf, H. T. (2011). Does using digital media in assessment affect teacher practices in infant and toddler classrooms?. International Journal of Early Years Education, 19(3-4), 297-311.