Strengthening School Connectedness to Increase Student Success
Category: Student Well-Being and Mental Health
The Inventory of School Climate-Student version (ISC-S) is designed to asses 10 dimensions of school climate related to student adjustment. These dimensions include Teacher support, Consistency and clarity of rules and expectations, Student commitment and achievement orientation, Negative peer interactions, Positive peer interactions, Disciplinary harshness, Student input in decision-making, Instructional innovation/relevance, Support for cultural pluralism, and Safety problems. All items in the ISC-S are completed on a five-point Likert scale.
Brand, S., Felner, R., Shim, M., Seitsinger, A., & Dumas, T. (2003). Middle school improvement and reform: Development and validation of a school-level assessment of climate, cultural pluralism, and school safety. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(3), 570–588.