Structural Supports to Promote Teacher Well-Being
Category: Teacher and Leader Development
The School Implementation Leadership Scale (SILS) quantifies implementation leadership focusing on behaviors supporting or inhibiting the implementation of evidence-based practices in schools. SILS subscales examine proactive leadership, knowledgeable leadership, supportive leadership, perseverant leadership, communication, vision, and availability to support the implementation of evidence-based practices. SILS uses five-point Likert-scale items with responses ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (to a very great extent.)
Lyon, A. R., Cook, C. R., Brown, E. C., Locke, J., Davis, C., Ehrhart, M., & Aarons, G. A. (2018). Assessing organizational implementation context in the education sector: confirmatory factor analysis of measures of implementation leadership, climate, and citizenship. Implementation Science, 13(1), 1-14.
Lyon, A. R., Corbin, C. M., Brown, E. C., Ehrhart, M. G., Locke, J., Davis, C., ... & Cook, C. R. (2022). Leading the charge in the education sector: development and validation of the School Implementation Leadership Scale (SILS). Implementation Science, 17(1), 1-16.