Strengthening School Connectedness to Increase Student Success
Category: Student Well-Being
The HEIghten® Written Communication assessment addresses four dimensions: Knowledge of social and rhetorical situations, knowledge of conceptual strategies, knowledge of language use and conventions, knowledge of the writing process. The HEIghten Written Communication assessment is administered in a single 45-minute testing session. The first section consists of an essay task that requires the test taker to compose an original response which adopts or defends a position on a claim. In the second section, the test taker is presented with two passage-based sets, each of which includes 12 selected-response questions. The Written Communication assessment is part of a larger suite that also measures Civic Competency & Engagement, Critical Thinking, Intercultural Competency & Diversity, and Quantitative Literacy.
Not indicated
$12 each up to 499
$11 each 500 to 999
$10 each 1,000+
$20.50 each remote proctored test session
Demeter, E., Robinson, C., & Frederick, J. G. (2019). Holistically Assessing Critical Thinking and Written Communication Learning Outcomes with Direct and Indirect Measures. Research & Practice in Assessment, 14, 41-51.
Rios, J. A., Sparks, J. R., Zhang, M., & Liu, O. L. (2017). Development and validation of the written communication assessment of the HEIghten® Outcomes Assessment Suite. ETS Research Report Series, 2017(1), 1-16.