High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities Self Assessment Tools

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Instrument Overview

This resource will help preservice and in-service teachers reflect on and assess how well they are implementing high-leverage practices (HLPs) for students with disabilities. In the tool, teachers and teacher candidates can self-assess on all 22 HLPs or target only specific HLPs. The content for this self-assessment is based on the HLP resources developed in the last several years (e.g., HLP videos, HLP Leadership Guides, and Practice-Based Learning Opportunities). The goals of this tool are as follows: To provide a resource that teacher candidates and in-service teachers can use to self assess and reflect on their use of HLPs. To provide teacher candidates, faculty, in-service teachers, and administrators data on HLP implementation that can be used to guide professional learning and supports. To provide a broad measure on the ability of teacher candidates and in-service teachers to implement HLPs, which can serve as a basis of discussion with faculty and administrators. This tool has four sections to represent the four areas of practice: (1) Collaboration; (2) Assessment; (3) Social/Emotional/Behavioral, and (4) Instructional. Teachers respond to the probes across the HLPs to indicate their understanding and use of HLPs in their classrooms using the following scale: 5 = Mastered. I already apply this skill to my work and have noted improvements in student learning. 4 = I can apply this skill to my work with some confidence. 3 = Making progress. I am just beginning to understand how to apply this skill to my work. 2 = I believe this concept and/or skill is important but do not yet understand how to apply it in my classroom. 1 = I am unfamiliar with this principle or element. N/A = Not applicable

Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s website (or other site providing information about the instrument). This information is presented for educational and informational purposes only. If you have any questions about the content or its permitted uses, please contact annenberg@brown.edu.


Student Well-Being Category

American Institutes for Research® partnered with the Annenberg Institute at Brown University to collect instruments related to student well-being.


Teaching ; Teaching ; High-leverage practices (HLPs) ; Preservice teachers ; In-service teachers ; Teacher self-assessment ; HLP implementation ; Students with disabilities ; HLP reflection tool ; HLP resources ; HLP Leadership Guides ; Practice-Based Learning Opportunities ; Collaboration ; Assessment ; Social ; emotional ; and behavioral practices ; Instructional practices ; Professional learning ; Teacher candidates ; HLP mastery levels ; Classroom application ; Teacher confidence ; HLP feedback and improvement ; Faculty and administrator discussions ; Teacher support data ; Skill development

Access and Use

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), in partnership with the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform (CEEDAR)
Open Access