Strengthening School Connectedness to Increase Student Success
Category: Student Well-Being and Mental Health
Goal Attainment Scales (GAS) offer an approach to evaluate changes in the academic and social behaviors of students. The GAS methodology is individualized and criterion-referenced and consists of three steps: 1) selecting a target academic outcome or behavior, 2) describing the target academic outcome or behavior, 3) developing 3-5 descriptions of the target academic outcome or behavior ranging from the least to most favorable. Each description is assigned a numerical rating that allows the scale to be used for ongoing monitoring and reporting of student progress.
Hume, K., Odom, S. L., Steinbrenner, J. R., Smith DaWalt, L., Hall, L. J., Kraemer, B., ... & Bolt, D. M. (2022). Efficacy of a school-based comprehensive intervention program for adolescents with autism. Exceptional Children, 88(2), 223-240.
Logan, B., Jegatheesan, D., Viecelli, A., Pascoe, E., & Hubbard, R. (2022). Goal attainment scaling as an outcome measure for randomised controlled trials: a scoping review. BMJ open, 12(7), 1-9.
Kiresuk, T. J., & Sherman, R. E. (1968). Goal attainment scaling: A general method for evaluating comprehensive community mental health programs. Community mental health journal, 4(6), 443-453.