Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Assessment Suite (TEIQue)

The TEIQue is a scientific measurement instrument based exclusively on trait EI theory and providing a comprehensive assessment of the emotional world of the individual. The TEIQue is predicated on trait EI theory, which conceptualises emotional intelligence as a personality trait, located at the lower levels of personality hierarchies. Several version of the TEIQue are available.


Self Awareness,
Social Awareness,
Self Management,
Relationship Skills

Emotionality, Self control, Sociability, Wellbeing, Adaptability, Emotion control Low impulsiveness, Self-motivation, Trait empathy, Assertiveness, Emotion expression, Relationships, Social awareness, Trait happiness, Emotion appraisal (self and others), Emotion management (others), Self-esteem, Stress management, Trait optimism, Trait Emotional

Child form contains the following: Emotion perception; Adaptability; Emotion expression; Emotion perception; Emotion regulation; Impulsiveness; Relationships; Self-esteem; Self-motivation

3rd Grade,
4th Grade,
5th Grade,
6th Grade,
7th Grade,
8th Grade,
9th Grade,
10th Grade,
11th Grade,
12th Grade,
Post secondary
Other Language/s
Dutch, Croatian, French, German, Greek, Polish, Portuguese

Administration Information

Varies from 5 minutes to 25 minutes across

Access and Use


Professor K. V. Petrides, Dept of Psychology
University College Longdon
+44 20-7 020 7 6798540

Open Access
Use in Research

Dewaele, J. M., Petrides, K. V., & Furnham, A. (2008). Effects of trait emotional intelligence and sociobiographical variables on communicative anxiety and foreign language anxiety among adult multilinguals: A review and empirical investigation. Language Learning58(4), 911-960.

Kosti, M. V., Feldt, R., & Angelis, L. (2014). Personality, emotional intelligence and work preferences in software engineering: An empirical study. Information and Software Technology56(8), 973-990.

Kotsou, I., Nelis, D., Grégoire, J., & Mikolajczak, M. (2011). Emotional plasticity: conditions and effects of improving emotional competence in adulthood. Journal of Applied Psychology96(4), 827.

Mavroveli, S., & Sánchez‐Ruiz, M. J. (2011). Trait emotional intelligence influences on academic achievement and school behaviour. British Journal of Educational Psychology81(1), 112-134.

Zeidner, M., & Olnick-Shemesh, D. (2010). Emotional intelligence and subjective well-being revisited. Personality and Individual Differences48(4), 431-435.


Computer scoring,
Manual scoring
Psychometric References

Andrei, F., Siegling, A. B., Aloe, A. M., Baldaro, B., & Petrides, K. V. (2016). The incremental validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue): A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Personality Assessment98(3), 261-276.

Cooper, A., & Petrides, K. V. (2010). A psychometric analysis of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Short Form (TEIQue–SF) using item response theory. Journal of Personality Assessment92(5), 449-457.

O'Connor, P., Nguyen, J., & Anglim, J. (2017). Effectively coping with task stress: A study of the validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Short Form (TEIQue–SF). Journal of Personality Assessment99(3), 304-314.

Siegling, A. B., Vesely, A. K., Petrides, K. V., & Saklofske, D. H. (2015). Incremental validity of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire–short form (TEIQue–SF). Journal of Personality Assessment97(5), 525-535.

Item Type

Psychometric Considerations

Psychometrics is the science of psychological assessment. A primary goal of EdInstruments is to provide information on crucial psychometric topics including Validity and Reliability – essential concepts of evaluation, which indicate how well an instrument measures a construct - as well as additional properties that are worthy of consideration when selecting an instrument of measurement.

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