Strengthening School Connectedness to Increase Student Success
Category: Student Well-Being
Used by: School, after‐school, social services, mental health professionals. Versions: Teacher, parent and student versions of rating scale available (Student self‐report available for 8‐18). Rating procedure: Raters should be familiar with the SSIS and the rating forms. Teachers need to establish rapport with the student. Each form takes 15 – 20 minutes to complete. Subscore(s): Self‐Management, Relationship Skills, Responsible decision‐making, (Lack of Risky, Disruptive/Externalizing Behaviors and Internalizing Symptoms), Academic Competence
Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s website (or other site providing information about the instrument). This information is presented for educational and informational purposes only. If you have any questions about the content or its permitted uses, please contact
American Institutes for Research® partnered with the Annenberg Institute at Brown University to collect instruments related to student well-being.