Sense of Classroom as a Community

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Instrument Overview

Measures: Students’ feelings of caring/supportiveness and autonomy and influence in their classroom and school. Self‐report measure of students’ sense of the classroom as a community (Battistich et. al. 1997). The initial measure included items representing two elements of community: (a) students’ perceptions that they and their classmates cared about and were supportive of one another (7 items: e.g., “students at this school work together to solve problems,” “the students in this class really care about one another,” “my class is like a family”); and (b) students’ perceptions that they had an active and important role in classroom norm setting and decision making (10 items: e.g., “Teachers and students plan things together at this school.,” “ in my class the teacher and students decide together what the rules will be”). (Battistich et. al.1997).

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Student Well-Being Category

American Institutes for Research® partnered with the Annenberg Institute at Brown University to collect instruments related to student well-being.


1st Grade,
2nd Grade,
3rd Grade,
4th Grade,
5th Grade
School Environment ; Academic Attitudes and Motives ; Personal Attitudes/Motives and Feelings ; Social Attitudes/ Motives and Behavior ; Cognitive Academic Performance

Administration Information


Access and Use

V.Battistich, D. Solomon, M. Watson, & E. Schaps

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