Relationship Questionnaire (Rel-Q)

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Instrument Overview

Designed for the evaluation of school‐based character education programs. Multiple choice measure of psychosocial maturity derived from developmental theory that identifies the capacity to differentiate and coordinate the social perspectives of self and other to be central to treating other people in respectful and ethical ways. Items in the measure pose dilemmas common social situations with peers or adults. Uses a model of relationship awareness that includes 3 social‐cognitive constructs which are: 1) interpersonal understanding or social reasoning 2) interpersonal negotiation strategies or conflict resolution in thought and action and 3) awareness of the personal meaning of relationships. Relationship framework, in describing how social‐cognitive capacities underlie social interaction and development, addresses a common critique of cognitive‐ developmental approaches to sociomoral research: that there is little relation between the development of social cognition and real‐world action.

Note: The overview provided for this instrument includes content that may have been sourced from the instrument publisher's or author’s website (or other site providing information about the instrument). This information is presented for educational and informational purposes only. If you have any questions about the content or its permitted uses, please contact


Student Well-Being Category

American Institutes for Research® partnered with the Annenberg Institute at Brown University to collect instruments related to student well-being.


< 3 Years,
6th Grade,
7th Grade,
8th Grade,
9th Grade,
10th Grade,
11th Grade,
12th Grade
Self-Awareness ; Social Awareness ; Relationship Skills ; Responsible Decision Making ;

Administration Information

24 items

Access and Use

L. H. Schultz, D. J. Barr, & R. L. Selman

Psychometrics (additional guidance)

Psychometric References

Schultz, L. H., Barr, D. J., & Selman, R. L. (2001).The value of a developmental approach to evaluating character

development programmes: An outcome study of Facing History and Ourselves. Journal of Moral Education,

30, 3‐27.

Schultz, L.H. & Selman, R.L. (2000) The meaning and measurement of social competence from a

developmental perspective, Working Paper 153 (New York, Russell Sage Foundation).

Schultz, L. H. & Selman, R. L. (2004). The development of psychosocial maturity in young children: A Measure

for evaluating character education programs. Journal of Research in Character Education, 2, 19‐87.

Schultz, L.H., Selman, R.L., & LaRusso, M.D. (2003). The assessment of psychosocial maturity in children and

adolescents: Implications for the evaluation of school‐based character education programs. Journal of

Research in Character Education, 1, 67‐87

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