Strengthening School Connectedness to Increase Student Success
Category: Student Well-Being
The Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R; D’Zurilla et al., 2002) is a 52-item, Likert-type inventory consisting of five major scales that measure the five different dimensions in the D’Zurilla et al. social problem-solving model. These scales are the Positive Problem Orientation (PPO) scale (5 items), the Negative Problem Orientation (NPO) scale (10 items), the Rational Problem Solving (RPS) scale (20 items), the Impulsivity/Carelessness Style (ICS) scale (10 items), and the Avoidance Style (AS)scale (7 items). Using this instrument, “good” social problem-solving ability is indicated by high scores on PPO and RPS and low scores on NPO, ICS, and AS, whereas “poor” social problem-solving ability is indicated by low scores on PPO and RPS and high scores on NPO, ICS, and AS. In addition to the five major scales, the RPS scale is broken down into four subscales (each with five items) that measure the four major problem-solving skills in the D’Zurilla et al. social problem-solving model: (a) the Problem Definition and Formulation (PDF) subscale, (b) the Generation of Alternative Solutions (GAS) subscale,(c) the Decision Making (DM) subscale, and (d) the Solution Implementation and Verification (SIVS) subscale. A 25-item short form of the SPSI-R is also available that measures the five major problem-solving dimensions but does not provide subscales that measure the four specific skills within the rational problem-solving construct.
$361 (includes manual, 25 long form version, 25 short form version)
Becker-Weidman, E. G., Jacobs, R. H., Reinecke, M. A., Silva, S. G., & March, J. S. (2010). Social problem-solving among adolescents treated for depression. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(1), 11-18.
Bray, S., Barrowclough, C., & Lobban, F. (2007). The social problem-solving abilities of people with borderline personality disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45(6), 1409-1417.
D'Zurilla, T. J., & Chang, E. C. (1995). The relations between social problem solving and coping. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 19(5), 547-562.
Morera, O. F., Maydeu-Olivares, A., Nygren, T. E., White, R. J., Fernandez, N. P., & Skewes, M. C. (2006). Social problem solving predicts decision making styles among US Hispanics. Personality and Individual Differences, 41(2), 307-317.
Shewchuk, R. M., Johnson, M. O., & Elliott, T. R. (2000). Self-appraised social problem solving abilities, emotional reactions and actual problem solving performance. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38(7), 727-740.
Dreer, L. E., Berry, J., Rivera, P., Snow, M., Elliott, T. R., Miller, D., & Little, T. D. (2009). Efficient assessment of social problem‐solving abilities in medical and rehabilitation settings: a rasch analysis of the social problem‐solving inventory‐revised. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65(7), 653-669.
Hawkins, D., Sofronoff, K., & Sheffield, J. (2009). Psychometric properties of the Social Problem Solving Inventory-Revised Short-Form: is the short form a valid and reliable measure for young adults?. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 33(5), 462-470.
Li, C. Y., Waid-Ebbs, J., Velozo, C. A., & Heaton, S. C. (2016). Factor structure and item level psychometrics of the Social Problem Solving Inventory–Revised: Short Form in traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 26(3), 446-463.
Sadowski, C., Moore, L. A., & Kelley, M. L. (1994). Psychometric properties of the Social Problem Solving Inventory (SPSI) with normal and emotionally disturbed adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 22(4), 487-500.
Wakeling, H. C. (2007). The psychometric validation of the Social Problem-Solving Inventory—Revised with UK incarcerated sexual offenders. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 19(3), 217-236.