Strengthening School Connectedness to Increase Student Success
Category: Student Well-Being
The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) is a school-based longitudinal study of a nationally representative sample of adolescents in grades 7-12 in the United States in 1994-95 that includes several items related to students' sense of belonging (e.g., “I feel like I am part of this school” and “I feel close to people at this school”).
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Kirkpatrick, K. M. (2020). Adolescents with Chronic Medical Conditions and High School Completion: The Importance of Perceived School Belonging. Continuity in Education, 1(1), pp. 50–63.
Bonny, A. E., Britto, M. T., Klostermann, B. K., Hornung, R. W., & Slap, G. B. (2000). School disconnectedness: Identifying adolescents at risk. Pediatrics, 106, 1017–1021
Perkins, K., Carey, K., Lincoln, E., Shih, A., Donalds, R., Kessel Schneider, S., Holt, M., Greif Freen, J. (2021). School connectedness still matters: The association of school connectedness and mental health during remote learning due to COVID-19. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 42, 641-648.
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