The Keys to Interactive Parenting Scale (KIPS) is an observation-based instrument that assesses parent-child interaction during play. The instrument has been rated “A-Reliability and Validity Demonstrated” by California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse and recommended by Parents As Teachers, Healthy Families America, SafeCare, and WAVE Trust & Department for Education, United Kingdom. The observation portion of KIPS, which helps measure 12 key parenting behaviors, can be completed in 15 minutes, while scoring takes approximately 20 minutes.
Administration Information
10 hours of initial training and certification exam required.
Access and Use
Introductory KIPS eLearning (includes 30-day subscription to the online training that includes Starter Pack of 6 scoring forms and 1-year subscription to the KIPS Library): $155 per learner; eLearning Workbook: $30; Annual Check-Up (30-day subscription to online recertification): $40 per user; Library (1-year subscription): $50 per user; Scoring forms 25-Pack: $30
Comfort, M. & Gordon, P. (2011). KIPS longitudinal study with Kentucky HANDS. Comfort Consults, LLC.…