The Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC), which is sold by Pearson, aims to measure adaptive behaviors, problem behaviors, and individual thoughts and feelings. It contains multiple evaluation forms: Teacher Rating Scales (TRS) and the Student Observation System (SOS) to be completed by a teacher; Parent Rating Scales (PRS), the Parenting Relationship Questionnaire (PRQ), and the Structured Developmental History (SDH) to be completed by a parent, and the Self-Report of Personality (SRP) to be completed by the student. Each form can be completed separately or in combination.
Adaptive behaviors, Problem Behaviors, Thoughts & Feelings
Administration Information
Pearson Qualification Level B required for purchase
Access and Use
Prices vary--pricing guide can be found here:…
Crooks, C. V., Bax, K., Delaney, A., Kim, H., & Shokoohi, M. (2020). Impact of MindUP among young children: Improvements in behavioral problems, adaptive skills, and executive functioning. Mindfulness, 11(10), 2433-2444.
Dodd, J. N., Hall, T. A., Guilliams, K., Guerriero, R. M., Wagner, A., Malone, S., Williams, C., Hartman, M., & Piantino, J. (2018). Optimizing neurocritical care follow-up through the integration of neuropsychology. Pediatric Neurology, 89, 58-62.
DiStefano, C., Greer, F. W., & Dowdy, E. (2019). Examining the BASC-3 BESS Parent Form–Preschool using Rasch methodology. Assessment, 26(6), 1162-1175.
Dowdy, E., DiStefano, C., Greer, F., Moore, S., & Pompey, K. (2019). Examining the Latent Structure of the BASC-3 BESS Parent Preschool Form. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 37(2), 181-193.
Edyburn, K. L., Dowdy, E., DiStefano, C., Bertone, A., & Greer, F. (2020). Measurement invariance of the English and Spanish BASC-3 behavioral and emotional screening system parent preschool forms. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 51, 307-316.